Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx de Aztlan (M.E.Ch.A.)
Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx De Aztlan (M.E.Ch.A.)

Movimiento Estudiantil Chicana/o de Aztlan (MEChA) is an organization that promotes higher education amongst the oppressed and marginalized students. Increase awareness about our social, historical, and cultural identity amongst ourselves and our community. Strengthening and uniting our Chicana/o Latina/o student community through educational, cultural, and social events We the members of M.E.Ch.A. at Washington State University, take upon the responsibility to encourage the education of the Chican@ population and promote awareness of the Chican@ presence at Washington State University and in the community at large, while committing to the struggle for the self-determination and empowerment of the Chican@ Community.