CLSC Student Organizations
Find the right group for you while discovering new passions, skills, and friends.

Alpha Nu Multicultural Sorority Incorporated (AN)
Officially founded February 27, 2008 on the campus of Washington State University, Alpha Nu respects and accepts every woman for who she is. In 2013 Alpha Nu became officially incorporated becoming Alpha Nu Multicultural Sorority Inc. Together we work to help discourage stereotypes and allow for different ideas and experiences in the community.

They are a Chicana/o Latina/o Graduate and Professional Student Association. Their Mission and Goals include, providing a support system for graduate students, to serve as a proactive agent in the community, to provide mentoring to undergraduate students, to provide opportunities for research collaborations and publications and to create a safe space to discuss issues that affect the local and greater Chicana/o and Latina/o community. They were established in 1993 to increase awareness of issues pertaining to the Chicana/o Latina/o population. All graduate students are welcome.

Chicana/o Latina/o Student Alliance (ChiLaStAl)
The Chicana/o Latina/o Student Alliance is an umbrella organization for all organizations on campus that are Latinx based or related. The purpose of ChiLaStAl is to create unity and lend a support system for all in the alliance.

Gamma Alpha Omega Sorority Inc.
Our purpose is to promote and instill in every member of our Sorority the values of Honesty, Integrity, Leadership, Scholarship, and Unity. These pillars have become the foundation of our organization and a symbol of devotion to our purpose. By encouraging these admirable characteristics, each member enriches her life with these lifelong attributes.

Gamma Iota Omicron Fraternity Inc.
Gamma Iota Omicron (GIO), also known as "Gallo", is a fraternity that is molded around the individual student, not a student molded around the fraternity. GIO was created in order to provide an organization that can be a support system, social outlet and provide networking opportunities. Gamma Iota Omicron is a way for students to get involved without giving up his individuality and still staying committed to other clubs, organizations and the like.The goals of GIO are to enhance: Knowledge, Courage, Respect, Heritage, Leadership, Empathy, Social, La Mujer, and to create a Dynasty of Brothers.

Kappa Delta Chi Sorority Inc.
The purpose of Kappa Delta Chi Sorority Inc., is to promote the traditional values of Unity, Honesty, Integrity, and Leadership, an organization dedicated to service for institutions of higher education, with an emphasis on the Hispanic/Latino(a) populations, a servitude based on love and friendship. The founders dreamed of a sorority that would unite and promote leadership among Hispanic women, Kappa Delta Chi Sorority, Inc. was formally recognized on April 6th, 1987 at Texas Tech University and Rho chapter was chartered at Washington State University on March 27th, 1999.

La Hermandad de o eMe Te
La hermandad de O eMe Te is a Nahuatl (Aztec) lettered brotherhood. Their mission statements are to serve as a support group for its undergraduate membership, encouraging the membership to grow, learn, mature and eventually graduate with an undergraduate degree, to support and defend the human and social rights of the Chicano/Mexicano/Latino communities and all people of color, to instill the Four Pillars: Culture, Wisdom, Empowerment, Carnalismo and the values associated with each pillar in the hearts of O eMe Te's undergraduate Carnales, to increase the number of educated Chicanos/Mexicanos/Latinos with undergraduate and graduate degrees, to create and build a network of educated Raza whose post-collegiate political, educational, professional and business experience can be directed towards the continued empowerment of our Chicano/Mexicano/Latino communities.

Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority Inc.
The purpose of Lambda Theta Alpha shall be to provide a sisterhood based on unity, love and respect in an effort to foster the development of strong leaders who will then provide and practice political, social and cultural activities. It shall also be the purpose of Lambda Theta Alpha to promote unity through charitable and educational programs, maintain a higher standard of learning and serve as a voice for all students.

Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx de Aztlan (M.E.Ch.A.)
Movimiento Estudiantil Chicana/o de Aztlan (MEChA) is an organization that promotes higher education amongst the oppressed and marginalized students. Increase awareness about our social, historical, and cultural identity amongst ourselves and our community. Strengthening and uniting our Chicana/o Latina/o student community through educational, cultural, and social events We the members of M.E.Ch.A. at Washington State University, take upon the responsibility to encourage the education of the Chican@ population and promote awareness of the Chican@ presence at Washington State University and in the community at large, while committing to the struggle for the self-determination and empowerment of the Chican@ Community.

Mujeres Unidas
Mujeres Unidas represents the interests and issues of Chicanas/Latinas at WSU and coordinates activities and opportunities of interest to multicultural women students. Members contribute to community projects and provide peer support for Chicanas and Latinas. In addition, MU provides women with the opportunity to gain leadership training and experience.

Omega Delta Phi Fraternity Inc.
The purpose of this BROTHERHOOD, a SERVICE/SOCIAL Fraternity, dedicated to the needs and the concerns of our communities is and shall be to promote and maintain our traditional values of UNITY, HONESTY, INTEGRITY and LEADERSHIP.

Sigma Lamda Beta International Fraternity Inc.
We believe in the principles of fairness, opportunity, and in the equality of all men no matter what their race, color, or ethnicity. Our biggest goal is to see that all of society can realize the importance of these three principles. In order to achieve this goal we all strive to model these behaviors and present ourselves in a gentlemanly and educated fashion.

Society of Latino Engineers & Scientists (SOLES)
The purpose of the Society of Latino Engineers and Scientists is to promote and enhance educational and job opportunities for minority students in STEM related fields.

Mariachi Leones del Monte
Mariachi Leones Del Monte is a group with a passion for music and culture. The mission is to enrich WSU campus culture by providing a space for students to enjoy and engage with an important aspect of Mexican heritage. Participation includes attending meetings that feature social time and practice sessions where songs chosen by the group are rehearsed, as well as performances throughout the year. Joining requires playing or being willing to learn the violin, guitar, trumpet, guitarrón, or vihuela. Although the club is designed to empower Hispanic and Latine students, individuals from all cultural backgrounds are welcome and encouraged to join. This is an ideal group for those who love music and performing.

Ballet Folklórico de WSU
Ballet Folklórico de WSU aims to display traditional Mexican dancing and culture to the Washington State University community. A platform is provided for experienced dancers to showcase their passion and knowledge, while also sharing the culture with beginners. The approach focuses on offering holistic and meaningful teachings of Folklórico to those who are interested. This club is open to all experience levels and backgrounds.

Norteño Club
Norteño Club is a community of students dedicated to learning, playing, and sharing a love for these vibrant regional Mexican genres. Whether a seasoned player sharpening skills or a curious beginner just starting out, all are welcomed with open arms. Follow on social media for announcements about jam sessions, workshops, performances, and more. The goal is to create a vibrant hub for Norteño and Sierreño music on campus and keep these traditions alive through a shared passion for playing.

The Chicanx/Latinx Student Alliance at WSU aims to serve as an umbrella organization comprised of student representatives from all active Chicanx/Latinx student organizations. The goal is to facilitate communication among community organizations and provide a supportive network for all members of the Chicanx/Latinx population on campus.