Psychological Assessment

When you’re struggling in the classroom or with your studies, it can be hard to know if it’s a temporary challenge or something deeper. CAPS is here to help.  

We can help you determine if your learning challenges are a short-term issue or signs of a learning disability. Our professional staff can diagnose several different learning disabilities, including ADHD, dyslexia, and slow reading, and work with you to find treatments that help you do your best inside the classroom and out. 

What is a learning disability?

Learning disabilities are factors that alter brain functioning in a way that impacts cognitive processes related to learning. They take many forms and can impact a variety of functions, including reading, math, and writing as well as organization, planning, and attention. 

People with learning disabilities can experience a variety of challenges in the classroom and outside of it – the specific form these challenges take depends on the person, the circumstances, and the nature of the disability.  

What about ADHD?

  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects one’s ability to maintain concentration and attention, can make it challenging to regulate energy levels, and sometimes both. People with ADHD sometimes experience being very fidgety, having difficulty sitting still for long periods of time, learning new information, being easily distracted in class and other situations, and more.
  • ADHD isn’t just something that affects you in the classroom – it exists in multiple settings. As a result, it can make classes at school hard and make work more difficult or impact your ability to maintain healthy and fulfilling relationships.

The Assessment Process

The assessment process consists of testing and is intended to help you and your mental health professional better understand your intellectual, academic, and emotional functioning. It is particularly helpful when problems in one of these areas might be interfering with other areas of your life.  

Assessment often results in specific recommendations provided by your mental health professional. 

How an Initial Assessment Works

  1. Pick up a testing packet from CAPS during business hours
  2. Complete the packet and return it to CAPS. 
  3. Attend an initial screening appointment to discuss your concerns, explore recommendations, and discuss next steps in your assessment process. 

Next Steps

When testing is recommended, our testing providers will work with you to better understand your concerns.

  1. Additional testing typically consists of 3-4 appointments with your counselor, each lasting 2-3 hours, over a period of weeks.
  2. You will be asked to complete a variety of activities designed to help your counselor better understand aspects of your intellectual, academic, and emotional functioning.
  3. Your counselor will discuss the final results with you, including any need to communicate your results to individuals outside of CAPS.

If your counselor determines that you have a learning disability, they will discuss options and next steps with you based on your needs and goals. If you would benefit from an accommodation, your counselor will refer you to the Access Center, which handles accommodations on campus.

Occasionally, after discussion with students, your counselor will determine that your needs would be better met through a referral to resources outside of CAPS. If your counselor or their supervisor determines this to be the case, they will work with you to provide an appropriate referral.

Need an accommodation?

Accommodations are granted through the WSU Access Center based on current and thorough documentation of a disability. Students with a previous diagnosis may not need additional assessment in order to receive accommodations. Contact the Access Center to determine if additional assessment is needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is there a waiting list for assessment?

    Due to the low cost for services, there is very high demand for assessment services. Students seeking assessment are placed on a wait list. Students with limited available time may have to wait longer for a clinician to be available at that specific time.

  • What is the assessment fee?

    The fee for assessment is charged directly to the WSU student account when testing starts.

    Fees are determined by services provided and financial need.

  • What is your cancelation policy?

    Appointments canceled with insufficient notice and “no show” appointments result in significant lost time that could have been used to serve another student who is waiting for testing. Due to high demand for assessment testing, we ask that you do everything possible to keep your scheduled appointments. 

    If you must cancel a testing appointment, you must do so at least 24 hours before your scheduled appointment. Cancelling an appointment with less than 24 hours’ notice or missing a scheduled appointment will result in a $50 missed appointment fee and being moved to the end of the waiting list for testing or being removed from the list altogether. 

  • How do I request my records?

    Please call or visit our office to complete a Release of Information form. 

    Records requests can be sent to 509-335-2924 

  • I have questions not answered here. Who can I contact?

    Call 509-335-1744 to learn more about disability assessment services.